Sunday, November 2, 2008

A weekend of firsts.

So sorry it has been so long since I have updated you all on my life. When I last talked to you all I had lost my keys and I was worried about them. Well I found them, or should I say my dad found them because they were in his suit jacket. So I know have my keys, but pretty much the week after I found them my nutrition textbook showed up missing. I still haven't found it but I bought a new one online for real cheap so that was nice. Then after the whole lost book incident I lost my ID card (which i have never done before i still have my ID card from Walla Walla) and i ahd to pay $14 to get a new one. So that is my lovely tale about my luck with losing things!

Moving on to more exciting stuff! This weekend was definitely a weekend of first experiences. It was the first time I have driven by myself through crazy bay areas traffic (during rush hour to make it more exciting ;)). If you are wondering why I was driving by myself...its because I went down to MBA this weekend to go camping on the beach with my friend Ricky. Yeah we had been planning this trip for awhile and I was really excited about sleeping on the beach! It sounded really fun and I really was looking forward to being a beach bum for a weekend. Well unfortunatly the weather didn't think this was such a great idea so it rained. All weekend! So my beach camping was changed to sleeping the backseat of my car with our feet in the trunk. It was actually very comfortable i might add. So that was
my first experience sleeping in the backseat/trunk of my car.
Doesn't that look so comfy?

It was amazing to sleep in the car because we were parked right next to the ocean and i feel asleep and woke up to the drown of the ocean waves. It was such a peaceful sound and i could have listened to it all night.
On Friday night we went to Santa Cruz and just walked to streets. But the catch was it was Halloween which ment the streets were packed with people dressed up in costumes ranging from the generic halloween costumes to some you had to ask what the heck were they thinking. it was fun though to just walk and not really have an adjenda.
On saturday we went to Santa Cruz Boardwalk and just walked all around and of course played in the water. And under the boardwalk there were all these sea lions which were just hanging out under the peir on the support beams right above the water. Needless to say a lot of pictures were taken of this attraction...hehe....


I am the only one who looks really wet here!

Beautiful, wet Santa Cruz Beach and Boardwalk.

but yeah it was very wet and even more windy on the boardwalk but i am just glad i brought a water proff jacket with me. Otherwise i would have been very wet!
This is what happens when you have a camera in a car.
The view from the car.
I could stand up in the backseat!

The weekend was very fun and i am wishing i could go back to the beach already. But i am now back at lovely little PUC where it is college days this weekend so there will be a lot of little high schoolers wandering the campus. But other than my exciting weekend that did not go as planned but went even better not a lot has been going on with me. Classes are ok. Still meeting people, but over all its good. I miss all my friends a lot but i am glad they are doing good.
I love you all and miss you!

1 comment:

Jovi said...

How many times your blog reader meet you a day?
I have an idea let them contact you easily.